Lev Belogorodskii


Psychotherapist of the EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy) & WCPC (World Council for Psychotherapy) register. Full member of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy (EABP). Founder (together with M. Sandomirskiy) of the ROST (Resource-Oriented System Therapy)

Education: Moscow Institute of Aviation Engineers, Faculty of Avia & Radio-Electronic Equipment, Moscow State University, Faculty of Psychology.

Completed trainings:

Vivation Ann Leonard USA
Biosynthesis David Boadella Switzerland
Biodynamic Erik Jarlness Denmark
Biodynamic Shock, Trauma & PTSD Lisbeth Marcher Denmark
Erik Jarlness
Family Constellations Margret Barth Germany
System Structure Constellations Margret Barth Germany
Process Work  Arnold Mindell USA

Now I worked with individuals & groups in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy,

coaching & business consulting for over 27 years.