Tina Lindhard
Ph.D. (IUPS) – Spain
Degrees and Certificates:
2016: PhD Consciousness Studies. International University of Professional Studies (IUPS), Hawaii
2014: June 11- 15. Curso Embriología Dinámica (Dynamic Embryology), Jaap van der Wal
2013: MATP Transpersonal Psychology. Area of Specialization: Spirituality. Sofia University/ITP. Palo Alto, CA. USA.
2012: Certificate of Transpersonal Studies, Sofia University/ITP. Palo Alto, CA. USA.
2011: Una introducción a la reducción del estrés en el periodo prenatal y los primeros años de la vida (Introduction to the reduction of prenatal and early stress in life) Robert Haas. (21hrs)
2009: Diploma in Constelaciones Sistémicas (Ecos) (Family Constellation Therapy). (300hrs)
2009: Centre for Conscious Awareness UK – Fine Intuitive Meditation Arka Dhyana Teachers Training Certificate (The actual certificates only became available in 2009 although I had been teaching it officially since 2005).
2005: Diploma en Terapia Craneosacral – European School of Craniosacral Therapy (Craniosacral Therapy –
Biodynamic School). (320hrs training + 30hrs project)
2004: Introductory course to “Healing Trauma” with Peter Levin (21hrs)
2003: Diploma in práctica y filosofía de Kinesiología (Practice and Philosophy of Kinesiology. Level 1 – 6). Francisca Nieto. (200 hrs.)
2002: Diploma in Osteopatía Craneal (Cranial Osteopathy) – CETNA y Sindicato Profesional de Técnicos Sanitarios Alternativos (320hrs)
1977: Religious Studies I, University of Cape Town (UCT). Cape Town. South Africa.
1976: Degree of Bachelor of Social Science (Post graduate or Honors year). Specialty: Research Psychology.
UCT. Cape Town, South Africa.
1975: Degree of Bachelor of Social Science – Economics I, Logic and Metaphysics, I, Psychology I, II and III, Social Anthropology I, Sociology I, II and III. UCT. Cape Town, South Africa.
Work Experience:
2017 -present. Mentor for MA and PhD students at IUPS.
2002 -2013 Private consultancy: eclectic therapist based on Arka Dhyana meditation, cranial sacral training, focusing and a background in psychology. Specializing in trauma, work with families and death, dying, and grief.
2005 – present Arka Dhyana meditation teacher and facilitator in Spain and abroad. Public speaker on the Self, meditation, health and wellness.
1980 – 1990 Co-owner of an import business in the Canary Islands. Creative artist using semi precious stones. Also experimental farmer dedicated to the growing of Proteas, the national flower of South Africa.
1977 – 1979 Assistant careers guidance counselor at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
- Intuition: A Heart-based Epistemology. Diálogo vol. 7,(1):181-194 DOI: 10.18638/dialogo.2020.7.1.16
- Mesoderm: The Possible Key to the Organic Basis of Freud’s Theories. Psychology 11(11):1769-1793 DOI: 10.4236/psych.2020.1111112
- La Salud Mental Y La Superación De La Violencia Se Producen Al Surfear Los Niveles De Consciencia. En Valentin Martinez-Ortego Perez y J. Martin Ramirez (Eds.) Salud Mental. Madrid: Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, pp. 173-192
- Anatomical Correlates of the Main Levels of Consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, Vol. 11 (2), pp. 129-153 129
- Surfing the Deeper Levels of Consciousness, Emotions, and Mental Health. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, Vol 11 (2).
- Lindhard, T. (2019). Western Institutional Education System, Cultural Diversity and Violence. In J. Martín Ramírez and Valentín Martínez-Otero Pérez (Eds.) Violencia y Diversidad Cultural. Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
- The Serpent and its Tail: the Biological Basis of the Religious Impulse. Dialogo Conferences and Journal.DOI: 10.18638/dialogo.2019.5.2.1
- Consciousness from the Outside-In and Inside-Out Perspective. Journal of Consciousness Explorations & Research, Vol. 10, Issue 3.
- Education, Myths And The Female Principle. Jornadas Internacionales sobre Violencia y Educación (XLVI CICA)
- Discovering Our Full Potential: Resuscitating the Female Principle. Open Journal of Social Sciences 07(08):175-197. DOI: 10.4236/jss.2019.78013
- Education, The Depreciation Of The Female Principle And Intuitive Awareness. In Jesus Martin Ramirez and Valentin Martinez Otero Perez (Eds). Violencia y Educación. Madrid: Nebrija, pp.29–32
- When a Virgin is not a Virgin. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, Vol. 5, (8), pp. 475-487.
- Martin Ramirez & Lindhard, T. (2018). Some Reflections on the Future of Educatio. Eruditio. WAAS
- The Search for Unity Beneath our Cultural Differences. Book Chap. Springer in press
- The Theory of Six Main Levels of Consciousness: A Study of the Third level. JCER
- Levels of Consciousness: The Role of the Heart and Pulsation. International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice Vol. 6(3):65-74, DOI: 10.13189/ijrh.2018.060301
- Cosmology, Embryology and the Journey of Self-Discovery. Dialogo Conference & Journal, 141-152. DOI: 10.18638/dialogo.2017.4.1.13
- Early Embryonic Morphology and Its Changing Forms. Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health 32(2), Winter 2017
- Experiencing peace through heart-based meditation on the Self. The Open Psychology Journal, 10(1): 27–40. doi: 10.2174/1874350101710010027
- Unlocking the secrets of the heart through meditating on the self. Ph.D diss., Dept. of Consciousness Studies, University of Professional Studies. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16952.960
- Security and Defense: A Contradiction in Terms? Chap.1. In Security in Infrastructures edited by J. Martin Ramirez and J.C. Fernández, 2-18. Cambridge Scholars
- Emotions including anger, bodily sensations and the “Living Matrix.” The Open Psychology Journal, 8, 3–10.
Guest Speaker:
5 March 2013. Caminos de Meditacion y Vida, (Meditation Paths and Life) Espacío Ronda Madrid, Spain.
10, 11 & 12 May, 2012. ‘Women, leadership and peace from a transpersonal point of view.’ 1st Latin American Conference on the Participation of Women in Leadership and Learning. Fundación Humanizado, Barrancabermeja, Colombia.
29 May 2011. ‘Inter religious meditation using the Arka Dhyana method’. Monastaerio el Sagrado Corazon, Escorial, Spain – Women’s Federation for World Peace – Europe.
14th February 2011. “Benefits of Arka Dhyana”. Zocola de Toluca, Mexico.
12 & 13 February 2011 “Introduction to Arka Dhyana with Demonstration”. Zocola de Toluca, Mexico.
11th July 2010 ‘Introduction to Arka Dhyana’. The Dragonfly Ranch, Big Island, Hawaii.
25th July 2010 “Introduction to Arka Dhyana with demonstration”. St. Mary’s Orthodox Church, 8 Inman St., Cambridge, MA. USA.
13th May 2010. “Why should we meditate?” Eco Centro, Madrid, Spain.
13th December 2008. “The Humble Heart and Africa of my Childhood”. Association Women for World Peace, Madrid, Spain.
Radio Interviews:
12 May 2012. Radio Interview: ‘Women, leadership and peace from a transpersonal point of view.’ Barrancabermeja, Colombia.
August 2007 Radio Interview with Canal SER – topic: Cranial sacral Therapy. Madrid, Spain.
Research Experience:
- Unlocking the Secrets of the Heart. PhD Thesis
- “What happens when we seek ‘Higher Guidance’ so as to learn to synchronize with Higher Will in all we do using embodied inquiry as a method of discovery?” A brief introduction into this method. Mentor: Merry Coburn. Sofia University. CA. USA.
- A three-month study into the effects of Marijuana on the Social Behavior of Female Baboons. (This was a ´classical´ design of pre-administration of marijuana in the food, a period of administration and a period of with drawl of the substance. Multiple behavioral variables were recorded during the three phases.) Research directed by Graham Saayman, UCT, South Africa.
- One week observational study into the behavior of Bontebok in a small national park in South Africa. Directed by Graham Saayman. UCT, South Africa.
Voluntary Work:
1997 – present Voluntary worker for an international charity organization called “Center for Conscious Awareness”. Currently I am President of CCASpain. My voluntary work includes working with volunteers, organizing talks, conferences, seminars, and raising funds for our center in Spain and our Foundation in India known as the Arka Foundation. I particularly enjoy helping others to find their Self or their true Nature and to help them recognize and share their dons with others.
As a therapist (craniosacral) I also give therapy on a voluntary basis to people with financial difficulties.
I also an also on the board of trustees of CICAInternational, a non-profit scientific organization dedicated to deepening our knowledge of Consciousness, the achievement of peace, and the resolution of conflicts. I am the head of the team for consciousness research.
I have participated in, organized and led many retreats.
I have imparted countless Arka Dhyana courses in Spain and other countries, including Moldavia, Russia, France, Italy, USA (California, Massachusetts and Hawaii) and Mexico.
Presently I am working on developing a course about the “Embryo Within” – this will be multifaced related to my own research into our embryological past and also heart-based Intuitive Meditation.